Welcome to Future Bound, a Podcast by Klaveness Combination Carriers (KCC). As the world leader in combination carriers, KCC owns and operates eight CABU and eight CLEANBU combination carriers with three CABU vessels under construction for delivery in 2026. KCC’s combination carriers are built for transportation of both wet and dry bulk cargoes, being operated in trades where the vessels efficiently combine dry and wet cargoes with minimum ballast. Through their high utilization and efficiency, the vessels emit up to 40% less CO2 per transported ton compared to standard tanker and dry bulk vessels in current and targeted combination trading patterns.
The podcast will bring you episodes from the KCC team responsible for commercial, technical, and all day-to-day operations. We'll from others in the Klaveness organization specializing in market analysis, decarbonization, and we’ll bring you discussions with industry peers and other external guests we interview along the way.
The Dry Bulk Market: What's Next?
In this episode, Ingeborg Almås, Senior Analyst at Clarksons Norway AS, and Kristian S. Hauff, Market Analyst at Klaveness Dry Bulk, sit down with Engebret Dahm, CEO of Klaveness Combination Carriers, to discuss recent developments in the dry bulk market and what lies ahead.
KCC's Approach to Installing Suction Sails
In this episode, Peter Rayers, Head of Decarbonization at KCC, sits down with Andreas Haavik, Head of Newbuilding at KCC, to discuss functionality of the bound4blue suction sails that will be installed on the upcoming KCC newbuildings.
The IMO GHG Saga: Did MEPC 82 do its job?
In this episode, CEO Engebret Dahm and Peter Rayers, Head of Decarbonization at KCC, discuss the latest updates on IMO regulations and the efforts to establish new mid-term measures for decarbonization in the shipping industry.
The Art of the CAF
In this episode of Future Bound, Robert Haggquist reveals South32's approach to reducing shipping emissions, and how our Carbon Adjustment Factor (CAF) could be a silver bullet for the shipping industry.
The CLEANBUs Five Years On
In this episode of Future Bound, join KCC’s CEO, Engebret Dahm, and VP Global Head of CLEANBU Chartering, Snorre Blix, navigating the CLEANBU journey five years after delivery of the first vessel and 10 years after the work on the CLEANBUs was initiated.
A conversation with the CEO of Klaveness Combination Carriers
Courtesy of Nordnet, we bring you CEO Engebret Dahm’s recent interview on their podcast discussing KCC’s latest quarterly figures and future outlook.
CEO Engebret Dahm joins the Vonheim podcast to talk about KCC
Courtesy of Christopher Vonheim, listen to the recording of his conversation with our CEO Engebret Dahm
MEPC 81 — shaping a difficult, disruptive, and dear transition
Discover the regulatory lay of the land, and industry needs for effective movement after MEPC 81, with host Peter Rayers and industry veteran Roger Strevens.
Sea Cargo Charter - Three Years On
SCC Vice Chair Eman Abdalla brings us up to speed on where the initiative stands today, and how it continues to provide a valuable platform to members including founding signatory KCC
"Why Sail Empty-Handed?"
Courtesy of Pareto Securities, we bring you CEO Engebret Dahm’s recent interview on their ‘Paretopodden’ podcast discussing the KCC concept and current markets.
MEPC 80 — Reflections and Implications
Discussing IMO's revised GHG strategy from MEPC 80, seen by many as pivotal to decarbonization of shipping, with industry experts Sofie Fogstad Vold and Helene Tofte.
From ”Misadventures in Shipping”, from a podcast by Edward Finley-Richardson
Courtesy of shipping enthusiast and new podcaster Edward Finley-Richardson, listen to the recording of his conversation with our CEO Engebret Dahm at our offices held in December 2023.
The EU Emissions Trading System - Charting a Course
The EU ETS is a market mechanism that applies a price to CO2 and creates incentives to reduce emissions, from 2024 it will include shipping, learn what this means and how KCC is preparing.
Do IMO’s EEXI and CII regulations actually work?
Discussing IMO’s Energy Efficiency eXisting ship Index (EEXI) and the much-debated Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) regulations, and what the requirements mean for KCC and the wider industry.
Succeeding in the Transition to Low- and Zero Emission Fuels
As the conversation around our Environmental Strategy continues, Editorial Director at Fathom World, Craig Eason, asks how KCC is preparing for the transition within, and beyond, 2030.
Achieving Cost-effective Decarbonization Through Effic...
With the launch of our Environmental Strategy for 2023-50, Director of Communications at the Norwegian Shipowner’s Association Christine Korme quizzes us on the key learnings since 2020.
On and Offshore Perspectives of a Maritime Trainee
Our class of 2022-23 Maritime Trainee, Andreas Krossøy, walks us through the journey of a maritime trainee at KCC, including his time spent sailing aboard the CLEANBU MV Bass.
Silverstream Technologies — The Magic Carpet
The Silverstream® System, can deliver 5-10% net fuel and emissions savings. CEO Noah Silberschmidt discusses the tech and its upcoming installation aboard two KCC vessels in more detail.
SCC — Comparing Apples and Apples
Rasmus Bach Nielsen, Vice Chair of the Sea Cargo Charter (SCC), sits down with us to discuss how the SCC is driving transparency around emissions from shipping activities around the globe.
Shipping Emissions – Do Stakeholders Still Care (2/2)
To be a leader is to be bold and willing to take risks. With that in mind, how can charterers and shipowners work together to make early moves less risky for those involved?
Shipping Emissions – Do Stakeholders Still Care (1/2)
Amidst soaring inflation, supply chain disruptions and an urgent energy security crisis, are shipping emissions still a priority for the shipping industry’s stakeholders?
How South Africa Became Our ‘Win-Win’ Hub...
Learn how South Africa’s ‘Ugu District’ became an important new ‘center of gravity’ for recruiting qualified new seafarers into KCC’s fleet.
KCC's Efficiency Measures — Explained
Take a deep-dive into KCC’s industry leading energy efficiency program, a program that was boosted with a MUSD $25 investment in November 2021.
BONUS: The Shipping Stock That Ticks All the Boxes
Courtesy of the Norwegian bank DNB, listen to CEO Engebret Dahm discuss KCC’s investment prospects in this extra episode (available in Norwegian only).
BONUS: DNB Energy and Shipping Conference
In Q1 2022 CEO Engebret Dahm presented at the DNB Energy and Shipping Conference in Oslo, Norway. Watch or listen to Dahm’s presentation here.
Charting a Course to Zero — With Hydro
Extracted from a recent webinar, we sit down with Hydro to discuss how our emissions monitoring solutions are helping towards in their green ambitions.
Safety at Sea
“Safety is more than just a word” - learn how KLASS (Klaveness Always Safe and Secure) act as our safety mantra and guideline in all decision making.
The KCC Story
Learn how KCC went from hearing “we’re NEVER going to use these vessels” to becoming the world leader in combination carriers in just 10 years.
Welcome to Future Bound
Welcome to Future Bound, a Podcast by Klaveness Combination Carriers. Learn what you can expect from the Podcast in this short introduction episode.