Safety at Sea
Episode 2: 05/05/2022
How KLASS (Klaveness Always Safe and Secure) acts as our safety mantra and guideline in all decision making.
Host: Liv Dyrnes
CFO, Klaveness Combination Carriers
Guest: Gudrun Helset
Acting MD, Klaveness Ship Management

“Safety is more than just a word”
During her stint as Acting Managing Director of Klaveness Ship Management (KSM), Gudrun Helset joined CFO Liv Dyrnes in the Studio to discuss how KLASS (Klaveness Aways Safe and Secure) acts as our safety mantra and guideline in all decision making.
Safety is a priority for KCC and a quintessential part of our DNA in how we conduct all our operations. Helset highlights how this is especially of importance at KCC when considering that vessels regularly make the switch from bulk carrier to oil tanker, meaning the highest safety standards must be maintained on vessels at all times.
In addition to quizzing Helset on these aspects of our operations, Dyrnes asks Helset to elaborate on how she successfully pioneered KLASS and revitalized a strong safety culture throughout KCC’s fleet.
Discussion points include:
The origins of KLASS
Using gamification to instill a safety culture on the vessels
Managing risk across all types of operations
How do we work with our crew to inspire the same values as we have on shore?
Keeping morale up during times of isolation between crew changes
Why we have such a high retention rate among the crew
What’s in store for the road ahead
For further reading, you can learn more about Safe and Secure with its own chapter in KCC’s 2021 Sustainability Report
Gudrun Helset joined Klaveness Ship Management as Head of Strategy and Change in February 2021 prior to filling the role of Managing Director in 20222 until May 1st.
Helset has extensive background from maritime operational business improvements and organizational development and holds a MSc in Business and Administration, with a major in organizational psychology from BI the Norwegian Business School.