KCC and KSM sign up as first Norwegian members of Eyesea
Image: Crew members using Eyesea aboard MV Bakkedal
Klaveness Combination Carriers (KCC) and Klaveness Ship Management (KSM) are pleased to announce they have joined as the first Norwegian ship owner/operator to become members of Eyesea, a nonprofit organization with a mission to map global pollution and maritime hazards.
Eyesea has developed an App that allows seafarers to report maritime pollution and other hazards both at sea and onshore. The feedback allows Eyesea to map pollution, with the ambition to use chart overlays to model the effects of current, wind, and tide on its movement and location. The pollution maps and community engagement will help to identify what makes up maritime pollution and where clean-up efforts can have the greatest impact.
As of May 2022, Klaveness vessels have joined the initiative and rolled out the App to crew so they can report what they see and support the global clean-up effort of our oceans. The membership fee will go to further developing the App and contribute towards clean-up expenses.
Engebret Dahm, CEO of Klaveness Combination Carriers comments: “We are proud to support Eyesea on this initiative and welcome the opportunity to play a valuable role in improving our oceans for future generations.”
Geir Frode Abelsen, MD of Klaveness Ship Management adds: “We praise Eyesea for this initiative and we are pleased to invite our seafarers to play this unique role in tackling maritime pollution.”
Graeme Somerville-Ryan, founder of Eyesea said: “Torvald Klaveness is one of the great names in Norwegian shipping, and I am personally rapt that they are our first owner/operator member from a country which leads the way on so many environmental initiatives. The shipping industry, working together, can make a real difference when it comes to ocean conservation—a topic that is far more than just emissions and compliance.”
About Klaveness Combination Carriers ASA:
KCC is the world leader in combination carriers, owning and operating eight CABU and eight CLEANBU combination carriers. KCC’s combination carriers are built for transportation of both wet and dry bulk cargoes, operating in trades where the vessels efficiently combine dry and wet cargoes with minimum ballast. Through their high utilization and efficiency, the vessels emit up to 40% less CO2 per transported ton compared to standard tanker and dry bulk vessels in current and targeted combination trading patterns.