Transfer of listing from Euronext Expand to the Oslo Stock Exchange
Oslo, 14 December 2021: Reference is made to the announcement on 14 December 2021, whereby Oslo Børs announced that it had received an application from Klaveness Combination Carriers ASA ("KCC" or the "Company") for admission to trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange by a transfer of the Company's current listing on Euronext Expand to the main list of the Oslo Stock Exchange (the "Listing").
Subject to Oslo Børs' approval of the Listing application and fulfilment by the Company of any listing conditions set by Oslo Børs, KCC expects that the first day of trading of the Company's shares on the main list of the Oslo Stock Exchange will be 21 December 2021. A prospectus summary will be published in relation to the transfer.
For further queries, please contact:
Engebret Dahm, CEO, Telephone +47 957 46 851
Liv Dyrnes, CFO, Telephone +47 976 60 561
About Klaveness Combination Carriers ASA:
KCC is the world leader in combination carriers, owning and operating eight CABU and eight CLEANBU vessels. KCC’s combination carriers are built for transportation of both wet and dry bulk cargoes, being operated in trades where the vessels efficiently combine dry and wet cargoes with minimum ballast. Through their high utilization and efficiency, the vessels emit up to 40% less CO2 per transported ton compared to standard tanker and dry bulk vessels in current and targeted combination trading patterns.